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The North American Society for Bat Research (NASBR) promotes the study and conservation of bats by facilitating communication and collaboration among scientists, educators, and the general public. The society holds an annual meeting called the North American Symposium on Bat Research, usually in October. Although most attendees reside in North America, the society welcomes participants from all areas of the globe.

Preliminary program now available!

We are excited to announce that the preliminary program for the upcoming conference is now available! Presenters can find detailed instructions for presentations and poster submissions in the links provided below. We encourage all participants to review the information and prepare for an engaging and informative event. Thank you for your contribution to making this conference a success!

Oral presentations

Poster presentations

Workshop registration is now open!

We are  pleased to announce that we have three wonderful workshops available for this meeting. Please go to to learn more! Either you wanna learn how to build your own RFID reader, learn about Bat genomics or how to monitor for WNS in Mexico, Guadalajara has a workshop for you.

Board of Directors nominations

We are seeking nominations for three ‘regular’ members of the Board of Directors, and one student representative. These are excellent opportunities to get involved and contribute to our society. More information on board of director roles is here.


NASBR 2024 Symposium
Oct 23-26, 2024
Guadalajara, Jalisco

NASBR 2025 Symposium
Oct 8-11, 2025
Edmonton, Alberta

NASBR 2026 Symposium
Oct 14-17, 2026
Fort Collins, Colorado

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NASBR is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization  |  © 2019 NASBR  

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