Invitation to Host a NASBR Meeting
The North American Society for Bat Research invites bids from society members to host the annual meeting, held in late October or early November.
- The meetings alternate between the East (odd years) and West (even years) regions of North America (see map below) but may occasionally venture outside of the Canada/USA/Mexico region to co-host a meeting with other groups
- Intention to bid should be by email to the Program Directors, who will provide detailed advice on bid preparation.
- The local host must be a member of the society to bid and bids are to submitted to the Chair of the NASBR Board of Directors by July 1, three years prior to the proposed meeting
- Prospective Local Hosts should work with the Program Directors to locate possible venues and prepare a bid
- The NASBR Board of Directors will evaluate bids and successful bids meeting the basic criteria of the society will be placed before the members of the society at the NASBR business meeting for a vote of member preference.
The selected Local Host will serve on the Board for a period of three years, one year prior and one year after the meeting year.
More details on preparing a bid as well as the role and responsibilities of the Local Host are in the Local Host Guide